Customer Driven Transformation


Think Like a Designer

Design (with a capital ‘D’) is a much about a process as it is about a product. It’s a way of thinking and working; importantly it’s an attitude that says, ‘how can we make this thing the best it can be?’

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Design Your Service Beautifully

When you think about what ‘beautiful design’ means to you, a physical product probably comes to mind. Well-designed products not only look great but are easy to use and solve an everyday problem elegantly. Although we can all point to products we consider to be beautifully designed, it can feel like a leap to apply this thinking to a service. But why should it?

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Even customer-driven businesses have their challenges

It’s true, when it comes to being customer-centred and design-led, each organisation we work with is at a differently level of maturity. Those that are furthest to the right on the maturity scale have their problems too. 

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